Visitor Archive 2016
PPT Seminar: Wednesday, December 14, 2016.
- University of Edinburgh
PPT Seminar: Wednesday, December 07, 2016.
- Speaker at the colloquium Higgs physics at the LHC
PPT seminar November 30, 2016.
PPT Seminar: Wednesday, November 23, 2016.
PPT seminar: Wednesday, November 16, 2016.
Collaboration and Higgs Colloquium.
Colloquium on 4 Nov 2016 on "Exotic Hadrons". Lectures on S-matrix theory.
PPT seminar: Thursday, November 3, 2016.
PPT seminar: Wednesday, October 26, 2016.
PPT seminar: Wednesday October 19, 2016.
PPT seminar Wednesday, September 21, 2016: Phenomenology of Enhanced Light Quark Yukawa Couplings.
PPT Seminar, Wed, 21 September, 14:00 – 16:00. Holgraphy inspired stringy hadrons.
EMPG seminar. Discussions with James Lucietti.
Higgs Colloquium. Theoretical Particle Physics seminar.
Theoretical Particle Physics seminar speaker (6 Sept): "Four-gluon scattering at three loops, infrared structure and Regge limit".
Presentation at QCDNA 9 workshop, collaboration with Peter Boyle and other members of the PPT group.
Collaborations with IfA staff; seminars; interactions with PhD students in reading groups.
PPT Seminar 21 Aug 2016: "Hadron Structure from the Feynman-Hellmann Theorem in Lattice QCD".
External examiner for PhD viva.
Theoretical Particle Physics seminar speaker (8 June): "NLO QCD corrections to off-shell ttj production".
- University of Edinburgh
Theoretical Particle Physics seminar speaker (11 May): "Precision QCD simulations for the LHC".
- Speaker at the colloquium Quantum instability of the Universe ground state
Theoretical Particle Physics seminar speaker (4 May): "The local renormalization group equation in superspace".
Theoretical Particle Physics seminar speaker (20 April): "Domain Wall Fermions as heavy quark discretisation".
Theoretical Particle Physics seminar speaker (13 April): "Possible Solution of the Dark Matter Problem".
- Philipps-Universität Marburg
Viva Moritz Linkmann, external examiner.
Theoretical Particle Physics seminar speaker (16 March): "Feynman integrals: beyond polylogarithms".
Theoretical Particle Physics seminar speaker (17 March): "A composite Higgs model built on a conformal fixed point".
- Speaker at the colloquium Precision Studies of the Higgs
Theoretical Particle Physics seminar speaker (10 March): "One-Loop Soft Theorems via Hidden Symmetries".
Theoretical Particle Physics seminar speaker (9 March): "Loop quantum gravity and exploding black holes".
Theoretical Particle Physics seminar speaker (3 March): "Beyond the Standard model matrix elements with the gradient flow: a new method for the calculation of the electric dipole moment".
- Speaker at the colloquium The search for new interactions at the LHC: the top-quark window
Theoretical Particle Physics seminar speaker (2 March): "The cluster bootstrap for amplitudes/Wilson loops".
Theoretical Particle Physics seminar speaker (25 Feb): "Model-independent approaches for the analysis of scenarios with new fermions at the LHC".
Theoretical Particle Physics seminar speaker (24 Feb): "Sign-problem in heavy- dense QCD".
Theoretical Particle Physics seminar speaker (11 Feb): "Astrophysical signatures of axions".
Theoretical Particle Physics seminar speaker (10 Feb): "Fiducial cross sections for Higgs+jet at NNLO QCD".
- Speaker at the colloquium General Relativity in the limit of very many dimensions
Theoretical Particle Physics seminar speaker (1 Feb): "The Higgs Portal to Dark Matter at the LHC".
- Attendee at the colloquium A top (quark) story
Theoretical Particle Physics seminar speaker (28 Jan): "An Effective Theory for Jet Processes".
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