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Visiting the Higgs Centre

The Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics has resources to support visitors from other institutions, for example, to collaborate with local Researchers or to give graduate lectures. Frequent visitors may be nominated as Higgs Centre Affiliates or Associates.

Our Visiting Researcher scheme is open to applications throughout the year. Submissions should take place at least two months before the prospective visit. We invite applications for visitors to come to the Higgs Centre for the purpose of fostering or continuing collaboration, and particularly encourage applications from PhD students and early career researchers. Funding for accommodation is available. We have limited funds for travel, which we target towards early career researchers.

Visits should be in conjunction with a local host, who should complete the visitor form, including a host statement detailing the potential benefit of the visit to the Higgs Centre and its members and to the visitor. If appropriate, an email address for a referee for the visitor may be included (e.g. a PhD supervisor or senior collaborator). The visitor scheme is a competitive one and final funding decisions will be taken by the Higgs Management Committee.

Application form

If you would like any further information, please contact Joan Simon.

Current visitors

Dorota Grabowska
  • University of Washington

Dorota is visiting to continue collaborations with M Hansen and begin a collaboration with Luigi Del Debbio. Dorota is an expert in Quantum Computing and this is an area of interest to various MSc students in the Higgs Centre and also the focus of a new PhD student advised by Luigi. Thus the visit will give Dorota the opportunity to interact with these students

Collaboration with.

Upcoming visitors

Paolo Benincasa
  • Max Planck Institute for Physics

Ongoing collaboration with Andrew McLeod, to give an amplitudes group seminar on the computation of cosmological correlators, and for discussion with members of the amplitudes group on the possibility of adapting computational methods from particle physics to the study of cosmological correlators.

Collaboration with.
Lorenzo Magnea
  • University of Turin

Scientific collaboration with Einan Gardi and PhD student Enrico Zunino about the soft anomalous dimension and soft currents in non-abelian gauge theory.

Collaboration with.
Vittorio Del Duca
  • LNF, Frascati
  • ETH Zürich

Vittorio wishes to come for short research collaboration visit, continuing on-going work. Onecollaboration is with Riccardo Gonzo on gravitational scattering and a second is with Einan Gardi, JenniSmillie and others regarding the multi-Regge limit.

Collaboration with.
Rudnei Ramos
  • Rio de Janeiro State University
  • Institute of Physics, UERJ

The purpose of the visit is to continue with the current collaboration with Prof. Arjun Berera and Suddhasattwa Brahma on a project involving Prof. Berera's PhD student Zizang Qiu on primordial magnetic fields. In this same visit, we will also have conversations on a second project under development with the former Prof. Berera's PhD student Jaime Calderon, which also involves the student Zizang Qiu, on the methods of nonequilibrium quantum field theory applied to the study of particle production in the early universe. The potential outcome of both projects is, in the first case, to access the viability of the presence of a thermalized photon radiation bath during (warm) inflation as a mechanism to enhance the formation of primordial magnetic fields. In the second project, the outcome expected is to produce an unified description of particle production in both warm inflation dynamics, as also during reheating and in intermediate regimes. Both studies proposed above and under study are lacking an understanding in the literature. The present proposed visit will allow for us to advance in both projects, leading to their conclusion.

Collaboration with.



Visitor Coordinator

Email address


To propose a visitor, fill out the visitor application form.

Application form

Visitor proposal information

If you are a visitor, you may find this information useful.

Information for visitors