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Vittorio DEL DUCA

Vittorio is an Associate Member of the Higgs Centre.


Contact information

Email address
Personal home page
+39 06 9403 2764

Research groups

Vittorio is a member of the following research groups:

 Vittorio DEL DUCA
Vittorio DEL DUCA

Visits to the Higgs Centre

Vittorio DEL DUCA visited the Higgs Centre between

Vittorio wishes to come for short research collaboration visit, continuing on-going work. Onecollaboration is with Riccardo Gonzo on gravitational scattering and a second is with Einan Gardi, JenniSmillie and others regarding the multi-Regge limit.

Collaboration with.
Vittorio DEL DUCA visited the Higgs Centre between
Collaboration with.
Vittorio DEL DUCA visited the Higgs Centre between

Workshop organiser:

Towards accuracy at small x

Vittorio DEL DUCA visited the Higgs Centre between
Collaboration with. .
Vittorio DEL DUCA visited the Higgs Centre between
Vittorio DEL DUCA visited the Higgs Centre between
Vittorio DEL DUCA visited the Higgs Centre between
Vittorio DEL DUCA visited the Higgs Centre between

Event participation

Colloquium: What is High Energy Physics? (speaker)
Workshop: Towards accuracy at small x (organiser)
Workshop: Subtracting Infrared Singularities Beyond NLO (organiser)
Workshop: Iterated integrals and the Regge limit (organiser)
Workshop: New Methods for Quantum Chromodynamics (key speaker)