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Towards accuracy at small x
Event description
To be announced.
See the full timetable on Indico
- 10 Sep / 09:00—10:00
- Theory Overview (1h00′)
- Speaker(s):
- Stefano FORTE (Università di Milano)
- 10 Sep / 11:00—12:00
- Experimental overview (1h00′)
- Speaker(s):
- Newman, Paul (University of Birmingham)
- 10 Sep / 14:00—15:00
- Parton Distribution Functions and LHC phenomenology (1h00′)
- Speaker(s):
- Marco BONVINI (INFN Roma 1)
- 10 Sep / 16:00—16:20
- Collinear resummations for the non-linear evolution in QCD at high-energy (0h20′)
- Speaker(s):
- Iancu, Edmond (Institut de Physique Theorique de Saclay)
- 10 Sep / 16:30—16:50
- Drell-Yan at small-x (0h20′)
- Speaker(s):
- Giani, Tommaso
- 10 Sep / 17:00—17:20
- Lipatov's EFT at one loop (0h20′)
- Speaker(s):
- Nefedov, Maxim (II Institute for theoretical Physics, Uni. Hamburg; Samara National Research University)
- 11 Sep / 09:00—10:00
- Unintegrated Parton Densities (1h00′)
- Speaker(s):
- Francesco, Hautmann (University of Oxford)
- 11 Sep / 11:00—12:00
- Calculations in kT-factorisation (1h00′)
- Speaker(s):
- Andreas, van Hameren (Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej)
- 11 Sep / 14:00—15:00
- BFKL and impact factors at NLO (1h00′)
- Speaker(s):
- Chirilli, Giovanni Antonio (University of Regensburg)
- 11 Sep / 16:00—16:20
- Forward jet cross sections: from trijet to NLO dijet (0h20′)
- Speaker(s):
- Mulian, Yair (University of Jyväskylä)
- 11 Sep / 16:30—16:50
- Forward particle production in proton-nucleus collisions at next-to-leading order (0h20′)
- Speaker(s):
- Ducloue, Bertrand
- 11 Sep / 17:00—17:20
- Conformal invariance of TMD rapidity evolution (0h20′)
- Speaker(s):
- Chirilli, Giovanni Antonio (University of Regensburg)
- 12 Sep / 09:00—10:00
- Jets in the High Energy Limit (1h00′)
- Speaker(s):
- Jeppe ANDERSEN (IPPP Durham University)
- 12 Sep / 11:00—12:00
- Jets in the BFKL approach (1h00′)
- Speaker(s):
- Wallon, Samuel (Paris Sud)
- 12 Sep / 14:00—15:00
- Scattering Amplitudes (1h00′)
- Speaker(s):
- Claude DUHR (CERN and Université catholique de Louvain)
- 12 Sep / 16:00—17:00
- Amplitudes in the Regge limit (1h00′)
- Speaker(s):
- Leonardo VERNAZZA (University of Edinburgh)
- 12 Sep / 17:30—17:50
- Scattering Amplitudes in the High-Energy Limit of N=4 SYM (0h20′)
- Speaker(s):
- Robin MARZUCCA (UCLouvain)
- 13 Sep / 09:00—10:00
- Coulomb gluons and factorization (1h00′)
- Speaker(s):
- Jeffrey, Forshaw (University of Manchester)
- 13 Sep / 11:00—12:00
- Effect of Glauber (Coulomb) gluon in parton shower (1h00′)
- Speaker(s):
- Nagy, Zoltan (DESY)
Towards accuracy at small x
The Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics
(Find us on campus maps)
School of Physics and Astronomy
James Clerk Maxwell Building, 4305
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James Clerk Maxwell Building, 4305
Peter Guthrie Tait Road
- Richard Ball(
- University of Edinburgh
- Vittorio Del Duca(
- LNF, Frascati
- ETH Zürich
- Simone Marzani(
- University of Genoa
Key speakers
- Stefano FORTE (Università di Milano)
- Newman, Paul (University of Birmingham)
- Marco BONVINI (INFN Roma 1)
- Iancu, Edmond (Institut de Physique Theorique de Saclay)
- Giani, Tommaso
- Nefedov, Maxim (II Institute for theoretical Physics, Uni. Hamburg; Samara National Research University)
- Francesco, Hautmann (University of Oxford)
- Andreas, van Hameren (Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej)
- Chirilli, Giovanni Antonio (University of Regensburg)
- Mulian, Yair (University of Jyväskylä)
- Ducloue, Bertrand
- Chirilli, Giovanni Antonio (University of Regensburg)
- Jeppe ANDERSEN (IPPP Durham University)
- Wallon, Samuel (Paris Sud)
- Claude DUHR (CERN and Université catholique de Louvain)
- Leonardo VERNAZZA (University of Edinburgh)
- Robin MARZUCCA (UCLouvain)
- Jeffrey, Forshaw (University of Manchester)
- Nagy, Zoltan (DESY)
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