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Workshops Archive 2017

This event is a Workshop.


Exotic hadron spectroscopy 2017

The search for and study of exotic hadrons (tetra, penta, hexaquarks etc) has become a hot topic over recent years as a wealth of new data has arrived from current particle and nuclear physics experiments. Many new states have been observed and their properties measured, with different degrees of precision ...
  • The Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics

This event is a Workshop.

Galois - Story of a Revolutionary Mathematician

Paris, May 29, 1832. In the middle of the night, on the eve of a duel, Évariste Galois, a little older than twenty, handles for the last time a manuscript full of equations and theorems he had written four years earlier. "I have no time! I do not have time ...
  • Lecture Theatre A, James Clerk Maxwell Building

This event is a Workshop.


Stars, Supernovae and Nucleosynthesis IV

Stars are the “Cauldrons in our cosmos“ being responsible for creating all of the chemical elements from carbon onwards. The elemental abundances we observe today in our solar system are a result of many different nucleosynthesis processes taking place in various kinds of stars and phases of stellar evolution, over ...
  • The Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics

This event is a Workshop.


Summer School on Active and Flowing Soft Matter

This CM-CDT and Higgs Centre Summer School will consist of a series of lectures on key topics relating to Active and Flowing Soft Matter physics. Confirmed speakers include: - Paulo Arratia (University of Pennsylvania) - Hugues Chaté (CEA-Saclay, France) - Bruno Eckhardt (Philipps-Universität Marburg) - Raymond Goldstein (University of Cambridge) - Anke Lindner (University of ...
  • St Andrews

This event is a Workshop.



During the last few years the analytic study of scattering amplitudes has flourished due to a vivid interaction between high-energy physics and mathematics. The purpose of the workshop is to bring together leading experts working on novel methods for scattering amplitudes in perturbative gauge theory, gravity theories and string theory ...
  • LT1, Appleton Tower

This event is a Workshop.


Amplitudes 2017 Summer School

The study of scattering amplitudes has developed substantially over the past few years, with applications ranging from precision calculations for the LHC through new approaches to gauge theories and gravity and ending with pure mathematics. The annual meeting Amplitudes 2017 workshop will be hosted by the Higgs Centre between 10-14 ...
  • LT4, Appleton Tower

This event is a Workshop.


Which Mathematicians for Tomorrow’s Big Human Challenges?

ThinkTank Maths Limited - Higgs Centre Masters Workshop “Which Mathematicians for Tomorrow’s Big Human Challenges ?” Monday, 12th – Thursday, 15th June 2017 (4 days) Room 3217, James Clerk Maxwell Building, The King's Buildings, The University of Edinburgh Objectives: Participants are invited to go on a “journey of initiation” on how ...
  • Room 3217, James Clerk Maxwell Building

This event is a Workshop.


Flavour Lattice Averaging Group meeting

The Flavour Lattice Averaging Group (FLAG) is reviewing results from lattice QCD for pion, kaon, D- and B-meson physics, quark masses and the strong coupling constant. Our aim is to make lattice QCD results easily accessible to the wider particle physics community. FLAG is a worldwide collaboration and comprises experts ...
  • The Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics

This event is a Workshop.


Iterated integrals and the Regge limit

The Regge limit (or the limit of high-energy scattering) was recognised long ago as one where unique insight can be gained into scattering processes, owing to a simplified effective description through new degrees of freedom in two- dimensions. Recent advances in the study of scattering amplitudes led to a resurgence ...
  • The Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics

This event is a Workshop.


Non-Equilibrium Collective Dynamics

Despite a wealth of expertise in the physics of nonequilibrium systems across SUPA institutions, this is an area where collaborative work between universities has not yet reached its full potential. The purpose of this workshop is to draw together theoretical physicists at Scottish institutions working on nonequilibrium systems as they ...
  • Station Hotel, Perth

This event is a Workshop.

Higgs-Maxwell Workshop 2017: The b-quark at 40

Higgs-Maxwell workshops are a series of annual one-day meetings to discuss the current topics in theoretical and experimental particle physics and the prospects for future discoveries. The meeting is organised by the Universities of Durham, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Lancaster. This year's meeting, taking place on February 8th at the ...
  • Royal Society of Edinburgh, 22-26 George St, Edinburgh EH2 2PQ

This event is a Workshop.


New Directions in Theoretical Physics 2

New Directions in Theoretical Physics is a series of meetings aimed to provide a multidisciplinary setting for theoretical physicists to exchange ideas with colleagues and highlight new approaches to challenges in theoretical physics. The January 2017 meeting will cover a broad range of topics including active matter, particle physics beyond ...
  • 50 George Square, Edinburgh

This event is a Workshop.


Sherpa Collaboration Meeting

This is a collaboration meeting for the Sherpa project to summarise current status and plan future projects. Travel/Accommodation: The meeting will take place in the Higgs Centre Seminar Room, James Clerk Maxwell Building, Kings Buildings. Edinburgh is well served by trains and planes. Details on getting from the City ...
  • The Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics