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Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics Code of Conduct

The Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics (HCTP) at the University of Edinburgh stimulates and promotes new developments in theoretical physics. Our visitor programme and events attract participants from the UK and internationally, connecting physical and mathematical communities around the world.

Purpose of the Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct exists to give HCTP visitors and participants at HCTP-hosted events (in-person, hybrid or online only) confidence that they are attending an event where high standards of behaviour are the norm; where all participants are aware of those standards, and that action will be taken by HCTP should these standards not be upheld.

Code of Conduct

All participants in HCTP activities are expected to show respect and courtesy to others throughout the duration of a visit or an event, including at social events.

Specifically, the Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics does not tolerate:

  • sustained disruption of talks
  • sexist, racist, anti-LGBTQ+ or other exclusionary language, imagery or behaviour
  • intimidating or threatening language or behaviour
  • bullying or harassment in any form
  • abusive or disrespectful behaviour towards our staff
  • participants who are asked to stop any bullying or harassing behaviour are expected to comply immediately.

Those violating the above expectations will be asked to leave.

HCTP staff and members of the management committee will be happy to help participants experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of an event; this may include contacting security or providing an escort.

Need Help?

If you have any concerns or problems at an HCTP-hosted event, please speak to an HCTP member of staff in person (for in-person or hybrid events) OR send a private message to the HCTP management committee via online-only or hybrid events you are attending online). All reports will be dealt with discreetly and in confidence.