Introduction to Gauge Theory
Event description
An advanced course titled 'Introduction to Gauge Theory' will be given by José Figueroa O'Farrill, Bernd Schroers, Brendan Owens and Christian Sämann as part of the Scottish Mathematical Sciences Training Centre (SMSTC) this September. The course will cover the geometry of gauge theory and applications of gauge theory in physics. It is aimed at PhD students in SMSTC departments, but anybody interested is welcome to attend.
Contents and Purpose
Gauge theory plays a fundamental role in modern physics. It is the language in which the standard model of elementary particle physics is formulated. At the same time it has had deep and surprising applications to geometry and topology in four dimensions (Donaldson and Seiberg-Witten theory) and three dimensions (Chern-Simons theory, Floer homology). The purpose of the course is to introduce the basic mathematical concepts and ideas of gauge theory. The course builds to some extent on the existing SMSTC course Geometry and Topology and assumes a basic understanding of manifolds and differential forms. However, necessary tools from Lie groups will be introduced in the first lectures. The course will outline some of the applications of gauge theory in particle physics but will not include a systematic treatment of quantisation.
The course will be delivered by a team of lecturers from the University of Edinburgh, the University of Glasgow and Heriot-Watt University. The lectures can be attended via the SMSTC video facilities at Glasgow (room 104 in the Maths Department) Edinburgh (room 5325 in JCMB) and Heriot-Watt (room T01 in the Colin Maclaurin Building).
All lectures will take place 2-4pm at the dates given below. The material for the lectures will be uploaded as the course progresses.
Introduction to Lie Algebras and Lie Groups
Introduction to Gauge Theory
Fibre Bundles and Connections
- Brendan Owens
Monpoles and Instantons
ADHM Construction and Instanton Moduli Spaces
Introduction to Gauge Theory
- Christian Saemann(
- Heriot-Watt University
- Bernd Schroers(
- University of Edinburgh
- School of Mathematics (Mathematical Physics Group)
- José Miguel Figueroa-O'Farrill(
- University of Edinburgh
- School of Mathematics (Mathematical Physics Group)
- Brendan Owens
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