The Fox & Hedgehog Seminar Series
The Fox and Hedgehog seminars, established in 2023, aims to forge closer ties between mathematicians and physicists. The target audience of this series of pedagogical blackboard talks are PhD students, although any and all interested staff and students are always welcome to attend.
In an article in the New York Review of Books, Freeman Dyson writes, “Great scientists come in two varieties, which Isaiah Berlin, quoting the seventh-century-BC poet Archilochus, called foxes and hedgehogs. Foxes know many tricks, hedgehogs only one. Foxes are interested in everything, and move easily from one problem to another. Hedgehogs are interested only in a few problems which they consider fundamental, and stick with the same problems for years or decades... Science needs both hedgehogs and foxes for its healthy growth, hedgehogs to dig deep into the nature of things, foxes to explore the complicated details of our marvelous universe.”
The seminar will cover a broad spectrum of topics ranging from quantum physics of the universe to areas of pure mathematics (especially: algebra, geometry, topology, and representation theory) that often inform and are informed by quantum physics. All speakers will be asked to answer the following:
- What is one big problem/idea in your field, and why is it interesting/motivating to you?
- What’s a specific example of day-to-day research that you do related to this problem?
- Are you a Fox or a Hedgehog?
Come along to these seminars and find out which type of scientist you are!
Fox & Hedgehog Organiser
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Fox & Hedgehog Organiser
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The Fox and Hedgehog Organiser
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The Fox and Hedgehog Student Organiser
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- Benjamin HAAKE
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The Fox and Hedgehog Student Organiser
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Black hole thermodynamics—Sayantani BHATTACHARYYA
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What is string theory and why you should care?—Sašo GROZDANOV
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Quantum Geometry: From Mirror Symmetry to Non-perturbative Physics—Murad ALIM
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From Logarithms to Calabi-Yau Periods and Beyond --- Exploring the Landscape of Special Functions in Perturbative QFT—Andrew MCLEOD
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Everybody loves a good formula!—Tim ADAMO
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Fox and Hedgehog Seminar Series - 'Kinetic theory – for stars, plasmas, and black holes!'—Anna Lisa VARRI
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Fox and Hedgehog Seminar Series - 'Information & Computation vs Gravity'—Joan SIMON
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Fox and Hedgehog Seminar Series - Quantum groups: a standard "why" and a little less standard "how to"—Sasha SHAPIRO
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Fox and Hedgehog Seminar Series - 'Categorical symmetries in QFT'—David JORDAN
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Fox and Hedgehog Seminar Series - 'A category theorist thinks about entropy'—Tom LEINSTER
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Fox and Hedgehog Seminar Series - 'A cosmologist looks at the genetic code'—Latham BOYLE
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Fox and Hedgehog Seminar Series - 'Borel resummation in supersymmetric QFT'—Lotte HOLLANDS
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Fox and Hedgehog Seminar Series - 'Quantum groups and cohomological Hall algebras'—Ben DAVISON
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Fox and Hedgehog Seminar Series - 'Understanding scattering using periodic boundary conditions'—Maxwell HANSEN
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Fox and Hedgehog Seminar Series - Where do low-energy states live in QFT?—Matthew WALTERS
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Fox and Hedgehog Seminar Series - A froggy look at the Virasoro algebra—Sue SIERRA
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