STAMP is a cross-disciplinary student seminar which launched in August 2022 to bring together PG students working in theoretical and mathematical physics in Edinburgh. It seeks to repair links between the different research groups which were broken during the Covid pandemic, forge new ones, and give PG students a friendly environment to share their research and hear about what their peers are working on.
STAMP is primary aimed at PhD students in EMPG (University of Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt) and the Higgs Centre, but we welcome any students and junior researchers who wish to join us.
The seminars take place at 4pm every Thursday and the locations currently alternates between the Bayes Centre on the central UoE campus and the Higgs Centre, on the 4th floor of the JCMB, on the Kings Buildings campus. As of February 2023, STAMP is hybrid, with Zoom links shared via the mailing list.
The STAMP organisers are grateful for the funding they have received from the Higgs Centre and from the School of Mathematics at University of Edinburgh.
STAMP was previously organised by Andrew Beckett, Linden Disney-Hogg and Conor Elrick (Year 1), Sam Teale and Subrabalan Murugesan (Year 2).
You can sign up to our mailing list by following the instructions here. (You may need to enable pop-ups for this link to work.)
You can also join our Slack workspace where we post the talk schedule and share slides, notes etc.
In this talk I will give a pedagogical introduction to lattice models in statistical mechanics with a particular focus on algebraic techniques for computation. The main protagonist in this story is the transfer matrix which provides a computational formalism amenable to a mathematical deconstruction. We will see that the transfer ...
The AdS/CFT correspondence currently stands unrivalled as our most complete realisation of the holographic principle. Despite its numerous successes, the story is still far from over - intrinsic questions aside, AdS is a very special spacetime, and any holographic implications we could draw may likewise be restricted. The call for ...
In this talk, I will provide an overview of the idea of quantum complexity, which measures the minimum number of simple operations required to achieve a given task. I will particularly talk about the geometrical formulation of complexity, developed by Nielsen and his collaborators, which provides an elegant way of ...
First introduced in 2009, Lagrangian multiforms provide a variational framework for describing integrable hierarchies using a generalised variational principle applied to an appropriate generalisation of a classical action. In this talk, I will give an overview of this framework and report some recent results based on joint works with V ...
The double copy is a powerful tool connecting gauge theoretic and gravitational scattering amplitudes. It was originally derived from string theory, relating the tree level amplitudes of closed string amplitudes to two copies of open string amplitudes. In the field theory limit, this reduces to being able to obtain tree-level ...
The purpose of this talk would be to give a pedagogical introduction to composition algebras, superalgebras, and finally super-composition algebras. Hurwitz’s celebrated theorem states that there can be only seven composition algebras over the field of real numbers, namely the real numbers, the complex numbers, the quaternions, the octonions ...
In the computation of Feynman integrals divergences are common. To make sense of the divergent integral we employ a regulator so we can manipulate a well defined object. Many regulators are available and have various pros and cons. One of the most common choices is dimensional regularization where we analytically ...
In the Chern-Simons formulation of (Super)gravity in 3 dimensions, the phase space corresponds to the moduli space of (Super)flat G-connections, where G is (Super)Lie group which depends on the signature of space-time and the cosmological constant. In the talk we will see how the canonical Poisson structure ...
String theory, in its most elementary formulation, is a set of maps from a worldsheet to some target space. In the quest for a theory of quantum gravity, our models almost always have Lorentzian target spaces (or backgrounds). However, what happens if we consider non-Lorentzian target spaces? In particular, what ...
In their seminal work, Seiberg-Witten showed that the low energy coupling matrix of 4d N=2 supersymmetric theories can be identified with the period matrix of a holomorphic family of Riemann surfaces (most of these words will be defined in the talk). This lead to a series of developments in ...
The origin of dark matter (DM), the most common type of matter in our universe, is still one of the critical questions of modern cosmology. Understanding the astrophysical structures that DM forms is hence key to testing theories. In my talk, I will explore one type of spherical DM distribution ...
The origin of dark matter (DM), the most common type of matter in our universe, is still one of the critical questions of modern cosmology. Understanding the astrophysical structures that DM forms is hence key to testing theories. In my talk, I will explore one type of spherical DM distribution ...
Theories with higher derivatives result in quantum theories with negative norm states, called ghosts. Physically, ghosts imply negative probabilities which has led many to disregard higher derivative theories as unphysical. However, theories with ghosts are regularly used in physics under the name of gauge theories.
In this talk we will ...
Many modifications to the standard models of particle physics and cosmology lead to new forces. The effects of these so-called “fifth-forces” can be long range if the exchange particles that mediate them are light. Naturally, any viable fifth-force theory must account for its non-observation. One class of theories achieves this ...
In this work-in-progress talk we highlight some recent developments in our study of spacetimes through the lens of point-free topology. The first half of the talk will gently introduce the notion of an "ordered locale," a type of point-free space equipped with a causal ordering. Throughout, we draw intuition from ...
Unlike Newtonian gravity, where systems can have arbitrarily negative energies due the gravitational potential's negativity, a remarkable property of general relativity is the positivity of the total energy. Over time, this fact has been proven via a number of methods, with varying generality. The simplest strategy by far was ...
Bosonic backgrounds in supergravity theories are classical solutions in which all fermionic fields vanish. Such a solution is said to be supersymmetric if it is preserved by a supersymmetry transformation of the theory. Apart from their intrinsic interest as the simplest solutions in supergravity theories, supersymmetric backgrounds arise in a ...
Homogeneous spaces provide a formalism for understanding symmetries and dynamics. Arguably the simplest dynamical homogeneous spaces are those of the Aristotelian type. We show there are precisely five Aristotelean Lie algebras up to isomorphism and investigate the spaces generated by quotienting these algebras by a rotational subalgebra.
When we consider the flow of fluid over a surface, our boundary condition at the surface (no slip - surface velocity is zero) results in the formation of a thin layer of fluid in which the velocity increases rapidly from zero at the surface to a value comparable to the bulk ...
Hawking's information puzzle offers a unique perspective on how the effects of quantum gravity are imprinted on the low energy limit of the theory. Crucially, unitarity of black hole evaporation demands that the entropy of Hawking radiation follows a Page curve. In this talk, I aim to give a ...
Landau-Ginzburg models have been used in various areas of
mathematical physics. For example, there is a close link between them
and sigma models with Calabi-Yau targets, thus making them interesting
for String theory. Without going into details on these motivations, I
will present Landau-Ginzburg models as an interesting example of ...
With this talk, I wish to highlight the intertwining nature of higher category theory and gauge theory, with representation theory being the binding element in between them. 6D N=(2,0) SCFTs being the natural realm where this correspondence takes place, I will show that the categorical understanding of class ...
Semi-infinite cohomology, first introduced by Boris Feigin in 1984, was shown to be an invaluable tool in the computation of string theory spectra, since it provides the mathematical setting for BRST cohomology. In this talk, I will provide an elementary introduction to the semi-infinite cohomology of graded Lie algebras, with ...
In 1988 Witten showed the theory of (pure) General Relativity in 3 dimensions is exactly solvable, using an “equivalent” Chern-Simons formulation. In this talk we will describe the theory using the Newman- Penrose formalism and explicitly show how the equations of motion reduce to an AKNS system, proving in this ...
UNUSUAL LOCATION (due to clash with MSc presentations): JCMB 1501
Higher-spin gravity refers to an extension of general relativity involving fields with spin higher than two. The problem of finding a consistent interacting theory of higher-spin gravity can be reformulated into algebraic terms, whose solution is surprisingly simple and rigid ...
QCD sum rules provide an elegant way of accessing non- perturbative physics using the tools of perturbation theory. In this talk I will attempt a relatively self-contained introduction to QCD sum rules using the classic example of pseudoscalar correlators to calculate meson decay constants. I will then discuss some practical ...
We'll have a look at a new result that characterises Hilbert
spaces (and linear contractions) in terms of categorical axioms that do
not refer to probabilities, complex numbers, inner products,
continuity, convexity, or dimension. To avoid going into too many
technical details, I will try to motivate the axioms ...
Hopf Algebras are examples of bialgebras, being both an algebra and coalgebra and are additionally equipped with an endomorphism known as an antipode which is analogous to the map of groups that takes elements to their inverse. These structures have been studied since 1941 first in the field of algebraic ...
Integrable systems are, loosely speaking, models that can be solved exactly using certain standard methods. For quantum and stochastic 1D lattice models, this method is the Bethe ansatz. Despite this, in physics, integrability techniques have a reputation of being excessively formal and opaque. Indeed, even when a formal exact solution ...
From the Standard Model of particle physics to condensed matter systems, gauge theories form a powerful framework to understand Nature. Mathematically, gauge fields correspond to connections on principal bundles, which are described by Lie algebra valued 1-forms. String theory considerations motivate the lift of this picture to a categorified setting ...
We characterise skyrmions in Bogomolny models of chiral magnets without axisymetry. We show a duality between these Bogomolny models and the specific Bogomolny model wherein the so-called DMI tensor is rank one. The potential in these models have two separate minimums and corresponding stationary vacuums. Exact solutions with skyrmions are ...
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