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Higher categories, representation theory, and non-invertible symmetries from 6D N=(2,0) SCFTs
Veronica Pasquarella
- University of Cambridge
Event description
With this talk, I wish to highlight the intertwining nature of higher category theory and gauge theory, with representation theory being the binding element in between them. 6D N=(2,0) SCFTs being the natural realm where this correspondence takes place, I will show that the categorical understanding of class S theories and the emergence of non- invertible symmetries, can be traced back to the behaviour of the condensation of homomorphisms in the Symmetry Topological Field Theory (SymTFT), under suitable adaptation of the gauging-by-condensation procedure.
Higher categories, representation theory, and non-invertible symmetries from 6D N=(2,0) SCFTs
Bayes Centre 5.45
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47 Potterrow
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