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Spatial Analysis across scales and domains: yt user/developer workshop

Event description

This 4-day workshop will bring together people from all levels of experience with yt. We will begin with at least a day of tutorials for new users, followed by time devoted to yt's extension packages with opportunities for short presentations from participants. The final two days of the meeting will focus on development, beginning with activities designed for users interested in contributing to yt or getting involved in scientific software development. We will then move into breakout groups to work together on development goals. There will be opportunities for researchers with data not yet supported by yt to work with experienced developers to implement yt support.

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Spatial Analysis across scales and domains: yt user/developer workshop


Higgs Centre Seminar Room, JCMB (Find us on campus maps)
The Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics
School of Physics and Astronomy
James Clerk Maxwell Building, 4305
Peter Guthrie Tait Road


  • Madicken Munk
    • University of Oregon
  • Britton Smith
    • The University of Edinburgh
  • Stephanie Tonnesen
    • Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute
  • Matthew Turk
    • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • John ZuHone
    • Smithsonian Astronomical Observatory