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Workshop Proposal Form

About the workshop

Choose a title that conveys the scientific focus of the workshop concisely yet adequately.

About the organisers

This should be an academic member of staff at the University of Edinburgh who is affiliated with the Higgs Centre.
There are no restrictions on the number or affiliations of additional organisers.


Include all participants (i.e., local and external; invited and contributing). Another way to phrase this question is "How many chairs will you need?"

Expected number of invited participants


This should include all costs associated with the workshop. Note that the Centre will provide administrative support (if requested) so there is no need to cost for this.
Provide a short breakdown of the above figure into travel, accommodation and subsistence costs for invited speakers along with a brief summary of any other costs anticipated.
Indicate the source and amount of funding that has been, or will be, sought from other bodies, indicating any uncertainties on the amount or availability of such funds. Note that due to limitations on Higgs Centre funds, such external funding will be necessary in many cases, particularly for large events.

By submitting this form, you agree to the Higgs Centre's privacy policy and code of conduct.