Higgs Centre School of Theoretical Physics 2025
Event description
The 10th edition of the Higgs Centre School of Theoretical Physics will take place from the 9th-13th of June 2025. The scientific programme starts at 9:00 on Monday the 9th, and ends at 17:00 on Friday the 13th.
The School comprises two in-depth lecture series, each involving five 2-hours lectures delivered on the blackboard, and a similar number of tutorials.
For this year's School our two lecturers will be Andrew Tolley (Imperial College London) and Agostino Patella (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin).
Andrew Tolley - Analyticity, dispersion relations, positivity and all that
There has been incredible progress in recent years in applying ideas from the 1960’s Analytic S-matrix program to put unitarity/positivity constraints on modern Effective Field Theories, and in certain cases to bootstrap scattering amplitudes for specific UV completions. These lectures will review the dispersion relations which are at the origin of this program, their properties under crossing, generalization to any spin, and discuss the various different forms and choices of variables which can be used to leverage bounds on effective field theories, including those coupled to gravity.
Agostino Patella - Relation between scattering amplitudes and Euclidean n-point functions via Haag-Ruelle scattering theory
Scattering amplitudes can be extracted from time-ordered n-point functions by means of the well known Lehmann–Symanzik–Zimmermann (LSZ) reduction formula, even in non-perturbative Quantum Field Theories, such as Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). A different, often forgotten, approach to scattering theory was provided by Haag and Ruelle. In their classical work, Haag and Ruelle have shown how states of asymptotic particles can be constructed in a rigorous way in fully non-perturbative Quantum Field Theories starting from very general principles. In these lectures, I will give an extended introduction to Haag-Ruelle scattering theory. I will also discuss how this formalism can be used to develop a strategy to calculate hadronic scattering amplitudes from Lattice QCD simulations (to date, the only known approach which allows the calculation of QCD observables in the non-perturbative regime).
Information for delegates: This is an in-person event only and the fee to attend is £50. A funding subsidy towards the cost of accommodation (£200) will be available to the first 25 people who register and attend the event.
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Higgs Centre School of Theoretical Physics 2025
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Key speakers
- Agostino PATELLA (HU Berlin)
- Andrew TOLLEY (Imperial College London)
- Privacy Notice MS Word
- Accommodation MS Word
- Higgs Centre School poster PDF
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