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Bio-inspired Soft Matter 2025

Event description

Alt text

Soft materials and complex fluids are a fundamental component of modern industry and everyday life. Bioinspired materials research is at an exciting and rapidly advancing stage, where the intersection of biology, chemistry, physics and engineering is leading to groundbreaking innovations. The research focuses on harnessing complex structures and functions found in nature to develop materials with remarkable properties. Notable examples such as Olympic gels, DNA origami, and DNA Nanostars are innovative technologies with multiple applications, ranging from drug delivery and self-healing materials, to biosensing, and nanoelectronics. The research also focusses on Biomimetic materials inspired by nature, which can be used to build sustainable products, advanced medical implants, and new energy solutions to drive advancements in medicine, materials science, and engineering.

As a follow up of the Topological Soft Matter workshop, this meeting encourages the connection of isolated communities working on Bioinspired Materials. The event will bring together both established and emerging experts to discuss many key topics, including:

  • DNA-Based Technologies
  • Active and Topological gels
  • Functional Biomolecular Systems
  • Biomimetic and Sustainable Materials

Consider contributing to the meeting by submitting an abstract for a talk or poster presentation. We particularly encourage early career researchers, including postdocs and PhD students, to participate.

Registration is now open!
Registration Fee : £100
Registration Fee (including Conference Dinner): £150

The scientific sessions will begin at 11:00 on June 4th and conclude at 16:00 on June 6th. A detailed program will follow.

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Bio-inspired Soft Matter 2025



Key speakers

  • Erica DEL GROSSO (Universita di Roma Tor Vergata)
  • Lorenzo DI MICHELE (Cambridge)
  • Yair FOSADO (Edinburgh)
  • Nathalie KATSONIS (Groningen)
  • Alex KLOTZ (California State University Long Beach)
  • Elisha KRIEG (Technical University Dresden)
  • Michael LANG (Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden)
  • Susana ROCHA (KU Leuven)
  • Omar A. SALEH (UCSB)
  • Fredrik SCHAUFELBERGER (KTH Royal institute of Technology)
  • Rebecca SCHULMAN (Johns Hopkins)

Register for this event

Registration closes on Friday 25 April 2025.
