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Workshops Archive 2021

This event is a Workshop.


Celestial Sphere: holography, CFT and amplitudes (Higgs Centre Workshop)

This workshop will explore and establish connections between flat space holography, conformal field theory and scattering amplitudes. Newly discovered structures relating these three areas have arisen in the context of the 'celestial sphere,' the space of generators for the null conformal boundary of an asymptotically flat space-time. It is hoped ...
  • Higgs Centre Seminar Room, JCMB
  • Online

This event is a Workshop.


EuroPLEx Summer School 2021

The objective of this school is to provide a 2 weeks high-profile training on particle physics phenomenology, theoretical quantum field theory, lattice field theory and associated topics in algorithmics and HPC practices. The event has a capacity of 45 students, 15 of which will be the EuroPLEx fellows. The 30 ...
  • Online

This event is a Workshop.


Fundamentals of Growing Active Matter

A wide variety of physical properties of living systems arise from interplay between activity and growth. These include pattern formation in bacterial colonies, ordering in actin networks and the emergence of resistance in tumours. The workshop's main goal is to gather together researchers working on different systems and using ...
  • zoom virtual meeting