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Visitor, Affiliate & Associate Proposal Guidance

Propose a visitor

The Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics has resources to support visitors from other institutions, in order to collaborate with local Researchers, to give graduate lectures or the Higgs Colloquium.

Currently these are the categories of visitors that can be supported:

  • Visiting researchers: short (a week) to medium (a month) stay to collaborate with the Centre Researchers.
  • Affiliate: a visitor, typically from the UK or elsewhere in Europe, primarily to continue collaboration with local Researchers on short visits. Please note that there is a cap on the amount of funding available per financial year (£2k total).
  • Associate: longer stays on an annual basis over three years by high-profile researchers in theoretical physics. In addition to research seminars and colloquia, Associates regularly contribute to the Higgs Centre, e.g. through lecture series or organisation of workshops. Please note that there is a cap on the amount of funding available per visit (for all costs) at £3.8k per month (pro rata).
  • PhD/Early Career: We encourage applications from PhD students and early career researchers (£2k total)

More information about the different visitor categories, support available and application process is given below.

Visiting researchers

The Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics has resources to support visitors from other institutions, for example, to collaborate with local Researchers or to give graduate lectures. Frequent visitors may be nominated as Higgs Centre Affiliates or Associates.

Our Visiting Researcher scheme is open to applications throughout the year. Submissions should take place at least two months before the prospective visit. We invite applications for visitors to come to the Higgs Centre for the purpose of fostering or continuing collaboration, and particularly encourage applications from PhD students and early career researchers. Funding for accommodation is available. We have limited funds for travel, which we target towards early career researchers.

Visits should be in conjunction with a local host, who should complete the visitor form, including a host statement detailing the potential benefit of the visit and the strength of the visitor. If appropriate, an email address for a referee for the visitor may be included (e.g. a PhD supervisor or senior collaborator). The visitor scheme is a competitive one and final funding decisions will be taken by the Higgs Management committee.

Affiliate Members

  • Researchers in areas of theoretical physics covered by the Higgs Centre who intend to make several short visits to the Centre to establish or continue collaborations with one or more local Higgs researchers.
  • An affiliate will typically be from the UK or elsewhere in Europe.
  • As well as faculty members, we encourage applications from early career researchers (post-doctoral researchers), who wish to enhance their collaborative links with the Higgs community.
  • Please note that there is a cap on the amount of funding available per financial year as an Affiliate(£1.5k total). Administrative support to help arrange a visit may be available for any visitors in a Higgs Centre research area, even if no further financial support is required.
  • The selection process is competitive. We particularly welcome applications by researchers from underrepresented groups and backgrounds.
  • Affiliate membership lasts two years.

To propose an Affiliate, please fill out the Affiliate application form. We require some basic information about the researcher and visit(s), including short statements (about one paragraph each, guideline maximum 400 words) about what the visit(s) will achieve and a justification for financial support where this is requested. Please submit an application two months in advance of a proposed visit. Applications will be considered at the next meeting of the Management Committee after the application is received.

Associate Members

  • Typically, a well-established, internationally respected researcher who will enhance and bring new expertise to the Higgs Centre.
  • Associate Membership lasts three years, and is renewable thereafter.
  • A limited amount of funding for Associates is available per financial year. The Higgs Centre will provide administrative support and may cover travel, accommodation and living expenses for Associate Members. Please note that there is a cap on the amount of funding available per visit (for all costs) at £3.8k per month (pro rata).
  • We encourage Associates to undertake longer stays on an annual basis.
  • In addition to research seminars and colloquia, Associates are expected to regularly contribute to the Higgs Centre, e.g. through lecture series or organisation of workshops.

To propose an Associate Member for consideration, please fill out the short Associate application form. We require some information about the proposed member, including a publications list. A short case for support should include the benefit to the Higgs Centre.