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Career Talk with Niclas Westerberg

Event description

alumni career talk banner of drone view over Edinburgh, focussing on JCMB

Nic’s connection to the Higgs Centre is through an MSc in Theoretical Physics that he completed in 2015, after which he continued to do a PhD with the Scottish Centre for Doctoral Training in Condensed Matter Physics. Under the supervision of Patrik Öhberg, and based at Heriot-Watt University, he (mostly) studied light-matter interactions and photonics. After a brief postdoc working on quantum sensing with Erik Gauger at Heriot-Watt University, he secured an EPSRC Doctoral Prize Research Fellowship in late 2019, to work within the Quantum Theory group at the University of Glasgow on quantum optics and photon sources. The following year, he attained a Research Fellowship from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, allowing him to continue this research, and investigate how to reshape the quantum vacuum for photon sources.

Career Talk with Niclas Westerberg


Higgs Centre Seminar Room, JCMB (Find us on campus maps)
The Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics
School of Physics and Astronomy
James Clerk Maxwell Building, 4305
Peter Guthrie Tait Road

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