Higgs Lecture: From Higgs to the Cosmos: a Journey in the Particle World
Event description
Prof. Gian Giudice (CERN) will give the inaugural Higgs lecture.
Abstract: After the success of the Higgs boson discovery, particle physicists are still trying to unveil the many mysteries related to this enigmatic particle. From its role in the world of particle physics to its unexpected connections with the evolution of the early universe, the Higgs boson is a focal point of present and future research.
Biography: Gian Francesco Giudice is a theoretical particle physicist based at CERN, in Switzerland. After graduating from the University of Padua, he obtained his PhD in theoretical physics in 1988 from SISSA in Trieste. He worked at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, near Chicago, and at the University of Texas, in the group of Prof S Weinberg, before moving to CERN, where he is now Head of the Theoretical Physics Department. His research focuses on the formulation of new theories beyond the Standard Model of particle interactions and their implications for the early history of the universe.
This is the inaugural Higgs Lecture, given by one of the leading experts in the field.
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