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Colloquia Archive 2024

This event is a Colloquium.


Supertranslations, Angular Momentum, and Covariance in 4d Asymptotically Flat SpaceMassimo PORRATI

This talk reviews some aspects of the "angular momentum problem" in general relativity as well as of old and new results in the search for covariant and supertranslation-invariant formulas for the flux of angular momentum and other Lorentz charges in asymptotically flat spacetimes. It addresses in particular three problems with ...
Higgs Centre Seminar Room, JCMB

This event is a Colloquium.


Fundamental Physics from Galaxy SurveysMisha IVANOV

Elucidating the nature of dark matter, dark energy, and dynamics of the early universe stand as major challenges of modern cosmology and particle physics. I will present a new program of addressing these challenges with galaxy surveys. This program builds on particle physics tools that have allowed me to achieve ...
Higgs Centre Seminar Room, JCMB

This event is a Colloquium.


Why there are dark matter, dark energy and quantum gravity problems, and what we can do about themPhilip MANNHEIM

We trace the origin of the dark matter, dark energy and quantum gravity problems to the extrapolation of the standard Newton-Einstein wisdom to beyond its solar system origins. We show that this same solar system wisdom can be obtained from the conformal gravity theory, with its extrapolation leading to a ...
Lecture Theatre A, James Clerk Maxwell Building

This event is a Colloquium.


Towards a Quantum Black Hole SimulatorRuth GREGORY

A black hole is characterised by the fact that nothing can escape - this feature, of a boundary of information that can be accessed from that which cannot, is more general than the spacetime boundary of the event horizon. Horizons can occur in a wide range of physical situations, many of ...
Higgs Centre Seminar Room, JCMB

This event is a Colloquium.


A Tale of EmergenceGuilherme FRANZMANN

The question of what fundamentally is has never been straightforward in physics, yet there had always been a tentative answer for both theoretical and practical purposes. Everything shifted about a century ago with the advent of quantum mechanics, which challenged our traditional understanding of existence as suddenly we can also ...
Higgs Centre Seminar Room, JCMB

This event is a Colloquium.


Metric geometry and differential formsKirill KRASNOV

The story I am presenting revolves around a strange and unfamiliar to most people geometric construction, which encodes a metric on a manifold into a collection of differential forms on the same manifold. There are many known examples, in diverse dimensions. In three dimensions this coincides with the encoding of ...
50 George Square, Edinburgh

This event is a Colloquium.


Inside Astronomically Realistic Black HolesAndrew HAMILTON

I will use a real-time general relativistic Black Hole Flight Similator to show what really happens inside astronomically realistic black holes. The inner horizon of a rotating black hole is the most violent place in the Universe, easily reaching and surpassing energy densities attained in the Big Bang. What does ...
Higgs Centre Seminar Room, JCMB

This event is a Colloquium.


Probing subatomic physics with gravitational waves from neutron star binary inspiralsTanja HINDERER

The gravitational-wave signals from merging binary systems carry unique information about the internal structure of compact objects. This is of key interest for neutron stars, whose material is compressed by strong gravity to supra-nuclear densities where novel phases of matter emerge. I will discuss examples of recent progress in the ...
Higgs Centre Seminar Room, JCMB

This event is a Colloquium.


Black Hole InteriorsStefan HOLLANDS

The interiors of Kerr or Reissner-Nordström black holes have "inner" horizons which enclose their singularity and delineate the domain of predictability of all equations of wave equation type -- including the Einstein equations themselves. However, these inner horizons are often classically dynamically unstable and get turned into some sort of singularity ...
Higgs Centre Seminar Room, JCMB

This event is a Colloquium.


Complexity in Quantum Field TheoriesPawel CAPUTA

I will review recent progress on quantifying complexity of quantum states and operators. After introducing some of the interesting complexity measures, I will discuss what can be learnt from these new tools in quantum many-body systems and quantum field theories.
Higgs Centre Seminar Room, JCMB

This event is a Colloquium.


Exploring the world of ultra-intense laser plasma interactionsKate LANCASTER

Ultra-intense laser interactions with matter give us a route to produce some of the most extreme conditions on earth. When these lasers are focused onto solid material, the electric fields associated with the laser are so strong that the atoms in the material become readily ionised to create plasma. These ...
Higgs Centre Seminar Room, JCMB

This event is a Colloquium.


Physics and mathematics of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equationTomohiro SASAMOTO

In 1986, Kardar, Parisi and Zhang introduced a model equation for a growing surface, in the form of a nonlinear partial differential equation with noise[1]. In the original paper they applied a dynamical renormalization group analysis to demonstrate its universal nature, which is one of the first identified non-equilibrium ...
Higgs Centre Seminar Room, JCMB