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The First Generation of Stars and Black holes in the Universe

  • Naoki Yoshida
    • KAVLI IPMU, University of Tokyo


Modern sky surveys using large ground-based and space-borne telescopes have discovered distant stars, galaxies, and supernovae. All the rich structure in the Universe developed through gravitational amplification of primeval density fluctuations left over from the Big Bang. The standard theoretical model established by an array of recent observations accurately predicts the physical conditions in the early Universe, and powerful super-computers allow us to simulate in detail the formation and evolution of cosmic structure from an early epoch through to the present day.

I review recent impressive progress in the study on the first generation of stars, galaxies and black holes. I present the results from state-of-the-art computer simulations, focus on the physics of early structure formation, and identify several key issues and open questions. Finally, I discuss prospects for future observations using the next generation telescopes including NASA's JWST to be launched later this year.

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The First Generation of Stars and Black holes in the Universe